ITAC Contributions

OECD topic: OECD Technology Foresight Forum

First launched in 2005, Technology Foresight Forums are an annual event organized by the OECD Committee for Information, Computer, and Communications Policy (ICCP) to help identify opportunities and challenges for the Internet Economy posed by technical developments.

Foresight Forums represent a collaborative effort of policymakers from member and non-member governments, business, civil society, and the Internet technical community. They are a good opportunity to give voice to stakeholders’ concerns and create a constructive dialogue between all relevant actors. Past forum topics include RFID, Next Generation Networks, Participative Web, Smart ICT and Cloud computing.

In 2010, ITAC contributed to this event by enabling the participation of two young fellows from ISOC’s Next Generation Leaders programme. This fellowship was greatly appreciated by the OECD Secretariat and the experience will be renewed at the 2011 Technology Foresight Forum, which will focus on “Evolving mobile wireless platforms and applications” (26 October 2011, Paris).